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Youth Services: Drug and Alcohol Issues

A guide to library and information resources on Youth Services.

Drug and Alcohol Issues

If a young person decides to experiment with drugs long term there can be eventual detrimental effects on an individual’s health. A young person’s brain is not fully developed till their mid-twenties, taking drugs can affect their brain health and your central nervous system (Department of Health 2019). 

Taking drugs can affect your brain and it does that by damaging connections within the brain, causing memory or learning issues, making it hard to control impulse urges increasing impulsivity and your ability to experience the pleasure or reward feelings is impacted (Department of Health 2019).

Long term drug use can damage health and can cause law breaking offences to occur, due to the increase in impulsivity and other issues.

Alcohol has similar affects to drugs as it affects the developing brain it can also affect relationships and school work. Binge drinking or drinking to excess can cause vomiting, headaches and light sensitivity. Long term excess alcohol use can have permanent effects. It is also important to avoid driving when drunk and to know the alcohol limits based on  driving license regulations.


See the below reference for more information:

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