Surname, Initials. Year, ‘Article title in inverted commas’, Journal title in italics, volume or issue of publication as listed on the Journal or database record, page number, Retrieved: Date you accessed it, From: name of database you used to find the article.
Cameron, N. 2001, ‘Australian education on top', Business Asia, vol. 9, no. 7, pp. 20-21, Retrieved: July 15, 2009, from General OneFile, Article A78226040.
Surname, Initials. (of the author of the chapter) Year, ‘Chapter title’, in Book title, Edition (if not the first), Editor, Publisher, Place of publication, pp.
Kiffin-Petersen, S. 2006, 'Individual differences in personality, values and attitudes', in P. Murray, D. Poole, & G. Jones (eds.) Contemporary issues in management and organisational behaviour, Thomson Learning, South Melbourne, Vic.
Title in italics, Year [videorecording or DVD], Publisher’s name, Place of publication.
First Australians, 2008 [DVD], Special Broadcasting Service Corporation,