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Music - History and Analysis: Essay writing

A guide for 1st year Applied Music degree students studying MUS 105 and MUS 106

Referencing scholarly sources

What is a scholarly resource?

What is a complete reference?

  • Give enough information to identify each item
  • Write this information in the correct format.

The Box Hill Institute style of Harvard referencing is described in detail at


Books on essay writing & study skills

Starting an essay

The best academic essays go through a number of stages of preparation:

  • finding and using the recommended texts as well as material sourced in wider reading from your own library searches
  • careful, critical reading
  • noting the referencing details of each source
  • making summaries and taking notes to follow up
  • going beyond re-stating your research findings by
    • reflecting on the points
    • discussing reasons to agree with or disagree with each point
    • and putting forward your own carefully considered conclusions

Writing an essay

Essay writing and report writing are very different skills.

Reports are very structured and signpost their different sections with hierarchical headings.They usually end with findings and recommendations.

Essays are more organic and don't usually use headings, but have their own conventions. They often argue a hypothesis, or debate a question.

Essays usually have logical introductory and concluding paragraphs.

In the body of the essay, the author usually steps through a logical series of points. They may wander into discussing the pros and cons of the arguments about each point, and give examples and illustrations, for a paragraph or two.

A good essay compares and contrasts the views of a number of sources. It will always reference these views appropriately by citing the sources. In the Harvard style of referencing, the writer gives a short "in-text citation" consisting of an author's name and date of publication, that acts as a signpost to the complete reference in the bibliography at the end of the essay.