Many series cover
* Reading, writing and study skills
* Student Guide, Teaching Guide
* Levels such as Elementary, Pre-intermediate, intermediate, upper intermediate and advanced
Just Right has the following Levels:
Pre-intermediate : student's book
Pre-intermediate [kit] : teacher's book
Pre-intermediate, Workbook with key
Pre-intermediate [kit] : workbook
Just listening and speaking. intermediate
Inside Out Series has the following Levels:
Inside out, pre-intermediate [kit].
Inside out, intermediate [kit]
Some of the levels include workbook, student's book, class CDs, teacher's book, resource pack & workbook CD
Headway academic skills has the following Levels:
Level 1., Student's book : reading, writing, and study skills
Level 1, Teacher's guide : listening, speaking, and study skills
Level 1, Teacher's guide : reading, writing, and study skills
Level 2, Student's book : listening, speaking, and study skills
Level 2, Student's book : reading, writing, and study skills
Level 2, Teacher's guide : reading, writing, and study skills
Level 2, Teacher's guide : listening, speaking, and study skills
Level 3, Student's book : listening, speaking, and study skills .
Level 3, Teacher's guide : listening, speaking, and study skills
Level 3, Teacher's guide : reading, writing and study skills
Referencing correctly is a way of showing your teacher what is your work and what is supporting material taken from another sources.
Basic referencing, Intermediate referencing, Other referencing resources
What is Plagiarism? Plagiarism occurs when you make use of the ideas and work of someone else without making this clear.
Why is it wrong?
How can you avoid plagiarism?
Sets of readers are also available at some levels. A teacher may wish a group of students to read the same reader.
AMEP outcomes-based funding model spells failure 2021 article
AMEP teaching and EAL teaching– range of journal articles
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