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Harvard Referencing

This guide shows students and staff how to reference using the Harvard Referencing style.

Print Book With One Author

In-text citation:

The most important period for behaviour development in dogs and cats is from 3 to 12 weeks (Sirois 2017, p. 141).

Reference List:

Author's surname, Initials. Year, Title in italics, Edition (if not the first), Publisher’s name, Place of publication.


Sirois, M. 2017, Elsevier's veterinary assisting textbook, 2nd edn, Elsevier, St. Louis, Missouri. 

Print Book With Two or Three Authors

In-text citation:

In an effort to serve customer needs, Amazon was one of the early pioneers to develop software for collaborative filtering of customer data (Evans & Lindsay 2011, p. 229).

Kotler, Bowen and Makens (2010, p. 6) argue that the purpose of marketing is to provide real value to targeted customers, motivate purchase, and fulfill customer needs.

Reference list:

Surname, Initials, Surname, Initials & Surname, Initials. Year, Title in italics, Edition (if not the first), Publisher’s name, Place of publication.


Evan, J. R. & Lindsay, W. M. 2011, Managing for quality and performance excellence, 8th edn, South-Western/Cengage Learning, Mason, Ohio.

Kotler, P., Bowens, J. T. & Makens, J. C. 2010, Marketing for hospitality and tourism, 5th edn, Pearson, Boston.

 Points to remember:

  • In a list of multiple authors, place a comma after the full-stop following an initial EXCEPT when it is followed by & or is the last name in the list.
  • When referring to multiple authors of a work, use '&' rather than 'and' in the reference list and inside the brackets of the in-text citation but on all other occasions use 'and'.

Print Book With Four or More Authors

In-text citation:

Selection of suppliers should be based on a company's strategy, goals and objectives (Leenders et al. 2006, p. 256).


Leenders et al. (2006, p. 256) stress the importance of basing supplier selection on the company's strategy, goals and objectives.

Reference list:

Surname, Initials, Surname, Initials,  Surname, Initials & Surname, Initials. Year, Title in italics, Edition (if not the first), Publisher’s name, Place of publication

Leenders, M., Johnson, P., Flynn, A. & Fearon, H. 2006, Purchasing and supply management: with 50 supply chain cases, 13th edn,  McGraw-Hill Irwin, New York.

Points to remember:

  • Use the name of the first author plus the term 'et al.' e.g.: Smith et al. when you refer to the authors in your essay/assignment and in the intext citation but write all their names in the reference list.

Print Book With No Author

In-text citation:

Use the title of the book in place of the family name of the author.

Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabanna have the wonderful ability to '... dress a woman like a woman ... even if she wants to dress like a man' (10 years of Dolce & Gabanna 1996, p. 136).

 Reference list:

Title in italics  date, publisher, Place of publication.


10 years of Dolce & Gabbana 1996, Leonardo Arte, Milan.

 Points to remember

  • When this book is put in the reference list, it will be at the beginning of the list as numerals are placed before the alphabetical listing of authors and titles.
  • Write the title just as it is on the cover of the book.
  • Although only the intial letter of the first word should be a capital letter, in this case Dolce and Gabanna have initial capitals because they are both personal names.  Names of countries and organisations should also keep their capital letters.
  • Remember to write the title in italics when you cite it in your assignment so that it's clear that it's the title.

Edited Book

Reference list :

Surname, Initials. (ed.) Year, Title in italics, Edition (if not the first), Publisher’s name, Place of publication.


Ackerman, N. (ed.) 2016, Aspinall's complete textbook of veterinary nursing, 3rd edn, Elsevier, Edinburgh.

In text citation:

It is thought that dogs and man first began to have a relationship in the Mesolithic period about 10,000 to 15,000 years ago (Ackerman, 2016, p. 190). 


There is no need to add (ed.) to the in-text citation for edited works.

Chapter in an Edited Print Book

In-text citation:

Clark (2005, p. 168) notes the change in attitudes to second hand clothing in Hong Kong, which occurred in the 1990s.


Second hand clothing, formerly only for those who could afford nothing else, became fashionable in Hong Kong society during the 1990s (Clark 2005).

Reference list:

Surname, Initials. (of the author of the chapter) Year, ‘Chapter title’, in Book title, Edition (if not the first), Editor(s), Publisher, Place of publication, pages.

Clark, H. 2005, 'Second hand fashion in Hong Kong', in Old clothes, new looks: second hand fashion, A. Palmer & H. Clark (eds)Berg Publishers, Oxford.

Jenner, P. 2002, 'The noble art of management', in The MMF music manager's manual, B.Brown (ed.), Music Managers Forum (Australia), Surry Hills, N.S.W., pp. 3.1-3.8.

 Points to remember

  • The abbreviation for 'editor' is ed. and the abbreviation for 'editors' is eds - watch the use of full-stops.
  • The abbreviation for 'edition' is edn (without a full-stop).
  • The general rule for full-stops and abbreviations is that you need a full-stop if the last letter of the abbreviation is NOT  the last letter of the original word.

Encyclopedia or Dictionary

In-text citation

The relevant page number should be included in the in-text citation. Where there is no author, use the title of the resource in your in-text citation.

A lever (McGraw-Hill encyclopedia of science and technology 1997, p. 39) operates by ....

Reference List

McGraw-Hill encyclopedia of science and technology 1997, 8th edn, McGraw-Hill, New York.


The basic structure for referencing an online book is the same as for a print edition - you just need to add the details about when it was retrieved, plus the name of the Database or URL to the listing. The example below is for a book with a single author.

In-text citation

Storage-as-service is used by most Cloud Computing applications (Linthicum 2010)

Reference list:

Author's surname, Initials. Year, Title in italics, Edition (if not the first), Publisher’s name, Place of publication, Retrieved: Day Month, year, from name of database or online service.


Linthicum, D. 2010, Cloud computing and SOA convergence in your enterprise: a step by step guide, Addison-Wesley, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, Retrieved: 28 December, 2010, from Safari Books Online.


A single place of publication name of can be used e.g. Upper Saddle River in the example above. Names of states can be used as qualifiers if the place name is not well known.

If not sure, always be consistent with your use of a particular place of publication term.